Looking for clarity, calm, and inspiration?
Let me invite you to Pause
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I dream of a world
in which “more, faster, instant” is replaced by an appropriate and conscious choice of pacing and prioritizing
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who have the courage to pause on their way to success
I work with people and companies
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Pauses are strategic

for your life and business

They are like a breath we need to live; they give us freshness and a reset, unlike running or rushing. We are designed to follow rhythms, so when we work without pausing, we get exhausted and burn out. Without pauses, healthy productivity, relationships, and success are not possible. When we pause, we also gain a new perspective, and as they say, when you see differently, you act differently. In short, pauses are good for life and work.

Let’s pause together
when there is a need:

  • for a new approach to work, productivity, and commitment
  • to strengthen mental toughness
  • to change the relationship between rest and work
  • to improve cooperation and strengthen the relationship in management
  • to get out of a dead end and design a “new opening”
  • to learn the mental tools for good life and work.
It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol.
Brene Brown
Take rest. A field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
As I slow down, I go faster.
Ken Blanchard


Learn about my bestselling book!

If you are looking for your pathway to effective rest, I have a book for you. It is full of stories, maps, and tools to help you on your journey. It will also give you inspiration, direction, and recognition of what it takes to rest well.


These are just some of the companies I have had the pleasure of working with through coaching, workshops, development projects, or talks and guest speaking. Find out what they have said.

About me

My name is Agnieszka Michalska-Rechowicz, and I am delighted to have you here.

I have been an Executive & Wellbeing Coach for over a dozen years, leading development projects for managers or their teams.

As a practitioner for the past 20 years, I have worked for numerous academic courses at different institutions, including South Bank University in London, WSB Merito University, University of Economics in Katowice, Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, and Business Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza.